3 Reasons All Metal Roofs Are Not Created Equal
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
A metal roof is a metal roof, right? Not a chance. To the untrained eye, metal roofs might all look alike. But when you learn a bit more about how they’re made and installed, you’ll start to understand why one type of metal roof might cost double or even triple than a different type. That’s
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Most Common Commercial Roofing Problems
Wednesday, 04 January 2017
Your business is important to you, so it goes without saying that you’re going to take good care of it. You have to focus on growth, service, retaining customers, and operations. However, when is the last time you thought about your roof? Roofing is often taken for granted until something goes wrong, but that can
- Published in Commercial Roofs, Uncategorized
Roof Ventilation: Too Much Of A Good Thing?
Friday, 30 December 2016
You know that you need to have proper roof ventilation for your property, but is it possible to have too much of a good thing? In short, yes. There is a fine line between appropriate and excessive ventilation. In this article, we will help you understand what the proper amount is, what types there are,
- Published in Roof Ventilation, Uncategorized
Quick Guide to Commercial Low Slope Roofing Options
Friday, 16 December 2016
Is it time to put a new low slope roof on your commercial property? If so, it can be difficult know which type to go with. The experienced roofers from Juneau Odenwald Roofing are here to help you find the right material. In this guide, you’ll learn what your options are and the pros and
- Published in Commercial Roofs, Uncategorized
3-Tab vs. Architectural Shingle: Which is Right for Your Project?
Friday, 16 September 2016
If you look around just about any neighborhood in the New Orleans area, you have probably noticed that the most common type of shingle is the asphalt shingle. Asphalt shingles are the largest player in residential roofing, outselling other types of shingles by a huge margin. This is mainly because of their cheap upfront cost,
- Published in Residential Roof, roof, Shingle, Uncategorized
The Importance of Roof Flashing
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
When a roof leaks, one of the first spots most roofers look at is around the flashing. This is because of the amount of water that runs by it. Poor flashing quality, or ill-fitted flashing can be a disaster waiting to happen. If you hire an experienced roofer, they will take the time to make
- Published in roof, Roof Flashing, Roof inspection, Roof Maintenance, Uncategorized
Can My Roof Be Replaced Due to Hail Damage?
Tuesday, 03 November 2015
Have you heard of storm chasers? No, we’re not referring to the people who track the latest thunderstorms and tornados for video footage. Instead, we’re talking about those guys who show up at your front doorstep after a major storm. They seem to come out of nowhere and can be seen knocking on doors all
- Published in Roof damage, Uncategorized
Roof Coatings: Do They Work?
Monday, 12 October 2015
Have you heard about roof coatings? This type of roof protection seems to be one of the biggest buzzwords in the industry. There’s a lot of talk about roof coatings, but too little information about what they are, how they work and if they even work at all. Read on as we shed some light
- Published in Roof Maintenance, Uncategorized
What Everyone Wants to Know about Roof Damage!
Thursday, 01 October 2015
What have you always wanted to know about your roof but haven’t had the chance to ask? If the topic of residential roofing makes your head spin, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Read on to get your biggest questions about roof maintenance and damage answered. My Roof Looks Fine to Me. Why Should I
- Published in Roof damage, Uncategorized