3 Reasons Your Roof Might Leak This Summer
Wednesday, 29 May 2019
Here in New Orleans, we know a few things are true. First, Mardi Gras is everything. Second, it’s always a great day when the Saints win. And third, it can be bright and sunny one minute, and pouring down rain the next. Many New Orleans homeowners and commercial building owners assume that because their roof
- Published in Roof damage, Roofing
The Urban Heat Island Effect
Monday, 24 September 2018
Chances are good that you have at least heard of the term, “urban heat island”. It applies to just about all urban areas but is particularly applicable in cities like New Orleans and Baton Rouge, where human activities, building density, and a naturally hot and humid environment combine to create serious problems. According to the
- Published in Roof damage
Can My Roof Be Replaced Due to Hail Damage?
Tuesday, 03 November 2015
Have you heard of storm chasers? No, we’re not referring to the people who track the latest thunderstorms and tornados for video footage. Instead, we’re talking about those guys who show up at your front doorstep after a major storm. They seem to come out of nowhere and can be seen knocking on doors all
- Published in Roof damage, Uncategorized
What Everyone Wants to Know about Roof Damage!
Thursday, 01 October 2015
What have you always wanted to know about your roof but haven’t had the chance to ask? If the topic of residential roofing makes your head spin, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Read on to get your biggest questions about roof maintenance and damage answered. My Roof Looks Fine to Me. Why Should I
- Published in Roof damage, Uncategorized
Does Your Roof Have Hail Damage?
Monday, 29 June 2015
Hail is kind of weird if you think about it. Chunks of frozen rain fall from the sky, and often wreak havoc on our lives. These strange storms do a lot of damage. In fact, around $1.6 billion is spent on hail damage annually, according to the Federal Alliance of Safe Homes. While you’re cozied
- Published in Roof damage, Uncategorized